Performance Now Theatre Company Donations & Advertising Opportunities
Performance Now Theatre Company is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, funded through ticket sales, program advertisements, and sponsorship, both commercial and private.
If you would prefer to donate via check, please send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Performance Now Theatre Company
9833 S. Rock Dove Lane
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
As a Corporate Sponsor, with your tax-deductible contribution you will receive the following benefits:
Your organization mentioned in all radio, television, or print advertisements.
Your logo in Bravo Magazine.
Satisfaction in knowing that you are helping to promote quality theatre in the community, while providing assistance to young actors in their theatrical education.
We have several levels of contribution:
Level Contribution You Receive_________
Producer $1000 2 Season Subscriptions
Director $500 4 Individual Tickets
Star $250 2 Individual Tickets
Advertising Opportunities
Performance Now also has the following advertising opportunities in our current programs and playbills. To learn more about our advertising opportunities, please contact us using the form below
Ad Placement Cost_______
Full-Page Ad $500
Half-Page Ad $400 Quarter Page Ad $300
Business Card Ad $200